Sartor & Associates Inc.


Assess Talent. Maximize Potential. Develop Leaders of Tomorrow.

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching supports senior leaders in leveraging their assets by refining these skills and enhancing their leadership performance. It is a confidential partnership between a professional coach and an executive dedicated to personal and professional growth.

There are many areas executives may focus on in their coaching conversations. Some examples include: 

  • Clarifying thinking on complex strategy or people issues.
  • Communicating effectively with a wide range of audiences so messages get heard.
  • Testing ideas or reasoning, using the coach as a safe, confidential sounding board.
  • Developing a success strategy as a new executive in the first 90 days on the job or honing skills as a seasoned leader. 

Whether face to face, or by telephone, coaching creates a safe, confidential environment, with well-developed listening skills, powerful questions, and a sense of humour. Using the executives’ real-life situations, the coaching discussion is fluid and interactive and enables the person to come away from these discussions with practical next steps to implement right away.

At Sartor and Associates, our coaching programs are designed to support your executives in specific goal achievement, behavioural change, and leadership problem-solving. A coaching program can be a component of a Leadership Development Plan or to prepare Successor Candidates for next level roles. We provide customized coaching programs designed to compliment our Succession Planning program. By providing this support to Successor Candidates we ensure momentum in your employee develop program, while demonstrating your commitment to the professional growth of your successor candidates.